Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Darwinian Approach

“Despite how vulnerable the repository of all our potential once was, the only humans in the universe came from earth”

It is the 2250. We don’t know the rest of the world from this remote corner of some jungle territory. We may not even know the year. It doesn’t matter, the setting is defined within itself.

We are with Carmin, a boy who was removed from the turmoil of the decaying world around him at a young age. Since a young age, when his parents moved him to a small community in southeast asia, he has practiced the oldest surviving tradition on planet earth—chinese medicine. Carmin is not aware of what is going on in the world around him. He is in line to become the best in the world.
Before he is able to achieve this status, his faulty mentor and role model stabs him in the back

A little more background on the earth.

A few things have happened since 2010---Mainly, the development of a few new fields of science.
To name a few. We discovered how to move objects long distances across space. In 2135, A black hole was discovered near alpha cenutri. This closely coincided with a worldwide space project called the Intermittent Space Operant program, which was designed to send astronauts long distances in form of suspended animation. On their first mission, the ship came within sensor range of this black hole and notices a phenomenon.
            Light around the black hole tried to escape the gravitational field. As the light moved away from the force, the blackhole pulled it back, subsequently causing the energy itself to slow down and transform into matter. This observation led to a new field of science known as Electrokinetcs, the transformation and transmission of energy and matter.

Jump forward 30 years, Samon Flint, A scientist from eastern Europe successfully animates ‘dead matter’ into living molecules and artificially produces a human fetus.
In the next 25, this discovery led to the field of science known as invitrogenesis—the engineering of entire species. Following this we fully mapped the evolution of humans from single celled organisms billions of years ago and can now fully animate ‘dead matter’ into living beings.

Environmentally, all sea-level areas of the earth are 10%-20% hotter than several centuries ago. Because of the destruction of many staple crops, the population of the planet has dropped do below 1 billion.

Back to our man, Carmin. Carmin happens to have been brought up to understand the study of energy in the human body and has, as far as he and his mentor are concerned, nearly mastered the art.

Much of the earth is divided into much smaller communities than the larger countries of centuries ago. These communities—normal less than a few thousand serve to protect their own heritages. Carmin lives in a small community on a very interesting range of mountains in south east Asia.

The scientific centers of the world do however still revolve around cities where less than 40% of the earths population reside. There is a widespread rejection of the larger cities, and an unspoken alliance between many of the smaller communities across the world. Many find it ironic that in the decay of many of earths political systems and environmental structures, came the long sought after peace and alliance between much of the earth.

            Now... To the point…
Carmin is a young boy being trained in this art of chinese medicine. He is raised by his mentor in the subject. 30 years later---

---In the cold months Carmin is training for his mastership and his final test. He loses the test and demoralized, as anyone would be. In the audience of his test, there was an important character. Following the test, Carmin’s mentor grimly says that Carmin had indeed won the test.

The next day, Carmin’s opponent’s house is on fire.

The next day, Carmin’s mentor is found dead in the woods outside of the town—facedown in the snow--heartattack.

Carmin thinks that it was his opponent that killed his mentor, obviously assuming that Carmin had burned his house out of anger.

Carmin carries the body of his mentor back to his home. When he approaches, his house is on fire. In front of the burning wreckage stand three people.

The man in front approaches slowly

Carmin trembles, he slowly lays down his mentor—his father, and covers his face.

Carmin walks towards this dark man who extends a hand palm out to Carmin. Burning wreckage behind him. Carmin looks down at his chest, he feels his heart beating faster, in a spectacle that does not seem from this earth, Carmin steadies himself in the snow and begins to manipulate the energy causing his body to become week, the man grows closer and carmin gets weaker. He fights it. He positions his palms around his heart. This should feel like a duel here.

Carmin stands with all the strength in his body, a foot away from the dark man’s face. He raises his palm, face up to the level of his heart, and and turns it facing the dark man’s chest.
The dark man simply lowers his hands, he then turns his face so that the silhouette of the contours of his face are visible.

Carmin notices his face, and stumbles back, tripping over his mentors body in the snow.

This is a group that will tell him something that few people in these small communities know and that is that, a group of 6000 people are being selected travel to a distant planet to create a refined and better earth from the best of the best on this planet. Currently, it is being determined what of earth will be saved before the mission begins in 5 weeks.

It is believed but unkown for sure that a majority of this 6000 are artificially created humans. Engineered.

It will be Carmin’s job to stop the mission before the rest of the human population is left to become extinct on planet earth.

Once he leaves his home, his strengths will be tested.

Desert party with huge fire and intense bass music

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