Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Frank Sinatra Club

My name is Teddy, I don’t make much money per year, I have solutions to most things in my life because I’ve figured them out ahead of time. Last week a wealthy guy told me that I’d never be able to figure out happiness because nobody can find it. Who the hell did he think he was? Driving his Beamer and telling me HE was unhappy. He’s dead wrong. I just did figure out happiness. Let me tell you how.

First, I associate myself with three people:

Angus Mckisick – White – immigrated from Ireland 3 years ago. We say he’s fresh off the boat. He is a roofer. We’d pick fights with him less if his huge build wasn’t counter-balanced by a good sense of humor. Unfortunately he has his tipping points. He also wants to go home to Ireland but he says he loves the states for bullshit reasons.
Ramsey Finn – White – HATES organized sports. He was trained in martial arts as a kid. He taught himself as an adult—whether was a good idea or not, we don’t know. He doesn’t know his limits very well. Has two kids that live with his divorced wife. He says he won’t let them date until they’re 28 and they can’t drive until they rebuild an entire car. Ramsey is a garbage man. He lives by his own laws.
Allcot Maxon – Black – Brilliant, majored in physics. Jailed for 8 years after school for a self defense shooting. Released for good behavior. Now he can’t get a job. He invents and designs things in his spare time and lives off his girlfriend who is only with him for his good looks and because she thinks he will eventually do something brilliant. He hates that he”s black and named Alcott.

Second, we live in the lower east side of Manhattan—In shithole apartments.

Third, last week we started a started a group just within ourselves, where once a week we get together and pretend we are of the upper most class.
It doesn’t matter where we are for that two ours a week but while we are there, we are top dog. We pour cheap vodka and whiskey into expensive bottles. Ramsey stole us suits from a low-end store. We sit around, turn the lights down to mood lighting, listen to Frank Sinatra and drink our drinks.

This whole thing was my idea, I thought it would take our humdrum miserable lives and make them better. Unfortunately, a few weeks into this group, we started to change.

Now you might not believe it, but what if I told you that these meetings turned into meeting grounds to plan something bigger than just a strategy for playing cards.
It was almost as if while we are at our group, we became different people and forgot about who we were before. We weren’t really drinking either. We became these personna's this other person who only existed one night a week.

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