Sunday, October 2, 2011


Opening title: 16 years ago, Janurary 28th, 1997.
Film opens on the uncovery of a small tablet deep in the heart of the tropical forest, near an ancient Mayan civilization. An archeologist uncovers it and takes it to our main character Ethan.

-       You were a prototype species, we will be back in about 3000 years your time to conclude this study. We gave you life to better understand our own species, we gave you the idea of religion to better understand our own species, and now we are giving you primitive technology to help better understand our own species. –

March 23rd 2013 – Back in current times

We have made it through what many enthusiasts thought would be the end of the world.
Now our MC is curious as to what this tablet he found 13 years ago means.

He begins experiencing strange things in his day to day. He begins thinking thoughts he didn’t know he was capable of thinking, doing things he didn’t know he could do, understanding answers to questions that he shouldn’t know.

It seems that there are thoughts being placed in his head

These thoughts are supposedly the way that this alien race communicates with us,  they are not with us physically but they have come back through this man to help us solve our worlds problems.

Ethan’s partner in his studies, starts to discover what is happening to him and becomes jealous.

This is about the struggle between the MC he believes and his partner believes is partially possessed by the ocnscience of aliens, and the society who doesn’t believe him.

He must determine how he can enact what these aliens are saying and make people understand what the aliens were trying to do, and how they want to save us from ourselves.

Ultimately we see that humans are the most violent and hostile lifeforms in the universe.

We end with the death of the main character. He is a tragic hero.

The very last scene, we go back to the time of the mayans and witness this:

Mayans meet with aliens or future aliens, they explain the we are the prototype species for a test. And we have ended up being the most violent creatures in the universe. The aliens then stop themselves from handing the information off and starting the cycle, creating an alternate reality paradigm

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