Sunday, October 2, 2011

Grady Sawyer

It’s May, 2 years after high school graduation.
We open on a clear plastic cup of iced coffee. In it, milk is poured. It spews up in a spirals from the bottom. Following, is a stylistic scene of the inner workings of a coffee shop, moving like a choreographed dance. Amidst the sound design of the machines working, an electronic-esque remix of seven nation army envelops the scene. We see Grady Sawyer, our main character, as the puppet master of this wild apparatus. He’s white, growing a beard, 5’8, confident being the master of this simple task. He has head phones on.

Grady spins around and sits a coffee mug down on the counter with a click. He smiles somewhat seductively at a 30-some-year old woman ordering her drink. The click of the mug cues the music out.

Grady suavely opens the register and counts 1 dollar bills.

With emphasis on his T’s and “wh’s”, trying to impersonate a western European accent, he narrates to her--            “Tall white mocha”
She smiles, confused at him. “Bonjourno” he says.
Stylistically: cash register close, 2 dollars sneakily slipped out of the closing door. Apron hung over espresso machine. Lights turned off.

Intro creds:

Grady exits the back door, hops onto a skateboard and puts his headphones back on. He is flying down the road, unrealistically fast, cruising through his music-enduced high.

He approaches an intersection, reaches in his back pocket and pulls out a pastel-orange bike messenger cap. He pulls it down over his eyes like a pair of WWII pilot goggles. He flies toward the intersection, he begins to stand up and shift his weight backwards on the board. He sticks his arms out, embracing the speed at which he’s approaching this intersection. As cars fly through the death trap in front of him
He shifts his board 90 degrees into a powerslide, the music in his headphones blurs together as he screeches blindfolded to a 30mph intersection. He slides, barely slowing down, with his arms out as his sides like a dragster parachute until he stops on the threshold of the intersecting road.

He pulls the messenger hat off his head, looking down at the street to see how close he got, like he has done this many times. He kicks his board up saying “yee-haw” and steps up onto the sidewalk, walks up a set of stairs into a brick townhouse.

In the foyer of his house are his two buddies, Fleet—big-fucking-dude, should be in the service, everybody thinks he is. Nicest dude you’ve ever met. Pushover to girls.
And his other friend who they all just call Hobbs. Hobbs is a crafty little devil. He can build stuff that nobody should be able to build. When they were sophomores in highschool, hobbs built dry-ice bombs and eventually a sulfuric acid nail bomb that he detonated in their backyard breaking several of the windows in Grady’s house.

Grady enteres “Oh Bonjourno brotha”
Hobbs “bad fucking news dude”

Grady turns to the living room where his parents sit, his dad, a comical looking man with a sarcastic look on his face—obviously has a sarcastic relationship with his son. He speaks in a somewhat squeaky voice, his comic attitude holds the majority of his authority. He also has a beard. He picks on Grady for not being able to full grow one.  Grady’s dad is Mr. S.

Fleet: “Mr. S. maybe we can just come to some sort of agreement”
Hobbs slaps Grady on the butt getting him to inch closer to his father.
Grady: “what’s going on pop?”
Mr. S (inhaling through his teeth then sighing sarcastically) “Yeah, son, we needa have a lil chat.

            Grady’s mom sits there tapping her foot waiting for the conversation to be over.
Mr. S explains how his brother’s house up in New England has major damage from a storm that came through and how Grady is going up for the summer to help him rebuild because he can’t afford to pay for the service to do it.
            Hobbs cracks a joke about the service servicing Mr. S’s brother.

Long story short, Grady, Hobbs and Fleet decide to all go up for the summer.

BOOM – Break into act 3

The guys pack their things and hop into Fleet’s old bronco, driven by Hobbs, and leave for the summer. The peel out of the street and get on the road.

Back inside Grady’s house His father closes the door. And approaches his wife. Making a snide sexual comment. Grady’s mother responds with something along the lines of “do you think this is such a good idea?
Mr. S- “he’s 20 years old and engineers grande mocha latte choco-latte’s for his day-to-day.”

The guys arrive in new England to the house of Grady’s unclewhom he has only met when he was younger. The house is on the water. The front yard is a dump, but the backyard is like Mr. Miagi’s zen garden with a rock beach and a long destroyed dock with a keeled over boat.

From the dock, a short, grey haired dude (only about 50 years old) comes cursing and stomping towards shore holding his hand. The boys watch him approach.

Fleet waves and calls out to him “Heya… Mr. S”
He looks up, noticing the boys and walks closer, wiping his hands on his dark brown shorts, wet from the mid thighs down.
Grady’s uncle, Ray, is a weathered looking dude, with long gray wavy hair greasy from never showering flowing back over his head, gray stubble, a grubby plad button down, and dark brown pants. He swings his hand in a half handshake half high-five to greet Fleet. He speaks in a somewhat surferish tone.
Ray: “ah the prodigal nephew returns! How goes it brotha?”
Fleet: “Mr. S I—“
Ray: “Call me Ray amigo”
Grady (throwing his arm around fleet): “it’s been a while uncle Ray”
Ray (turning, sorta surprised but unphased): “ey! There you are!”
Grady: “Dad told us to come down and help you for the summer”
Ray “Oh that was nice, what with?”
Hobbs interjects: “Is your hand okay Mr. S?”
            The guys look down at his left hand which is bleeding slightly on the back.
Ray: “Oh yeah no problem. Nuttin a bit of sea water can’t fix.”
Ray guids the guys down to the beach
Hobbs “you got health insurance there ray?”
Ray “No need! Stay healthy…. Smoke weeeed”
Fleet laughs awkwardly as Ray wipes some glood on his shorts.
Hobbs looks at calvin with a “this is hard to believe” expression.

Ray shows the guys around the area in his motorboat.

This movie should have a forgetting Sarah marshal structure.

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